Rich McCue, Hacker in Chief and manager of the University of Victoria Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons, came into our Tech in Education Class to help us learn something about a few digital technologies that could be used to assist students with their learning. As manager of the Digital Scholarship Commons, Rich helps UVIC students and faculty, learn how to use digital technologies to express their ideas. In class today we were tasked with trying our hand at,
- video editing with iMovie
- audio editing with Audacity
- Screen Capture with Screencastify
I found the process quite exacting and only managed to complete the first challenge. But, after painstakingly following some very well laid out instructions, I was able to complete my first ever video editing project using chickens on a green screen, an aquarium backdrop and some bubble sound effects.
So for your viewing pleasure…..
It is certainly worth doing more research to discover the many ingenious ways educators are using video editing in the classroom.
Using video in the classroom can…
- satisfy a variety of learning styles and therefore engage more students
- help students ‘learn by doing’ which increases knowledge retention
- make projects more authentic and therefore more meaningful as the intended audience can extend from the classroom
- teach students how to work collaboratively
This is something I would like to become better at. ‘Why?’, you say, that chicken video is amaaazing! Yes, but I think I can do better. I would like to try using DaVinci Resolve 16, a video editing program for Windows that was recommended by Rich. So coming soon to a blog post near you….
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