Teaching Ideas and Inspirations

Author: franbailey (Page 2 of 2)

Reflections on Video Editing

Rich McCue, Hacker in Chief and manager of the University of Victoria Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons, came into our Tech in Education Class to help us learn something about a few digital technologies that could be used to assist students with their learning.  As manager of the Digital Scholarship Commons, Rich helps UVIC students and faculty, learn how to use digital technologies to express their ideas.  In class today we were tasked with trying our hand at,

  • video editing with iMovie
  • audio editing with Audacity
  • Screen Capture with Screencastify

I found the process quite exacting and only managed to complete the first challenge.  But, after painstakingly following some very well laid out instructions, I was able to complete my first ever video editing project using chickens on a green screen, an aquarium backdrop and some bubble sound effects.

So for your viewing pleasure…..


It is certainly worth doing more research to discover the  many ingenious ways educators are using video editing in the classroom.

Using video in the classroom can…

  • satisfy a variety of learning styles and therefore engage more students
  • help students ‘learn by doing’ which increases knowledge retention
  • make projects more authentic and therefore more meaningful as the intended audience can extend from the classroom
  • teach students how to work collaboratively

This is something I would like to become better at.  ‘Why?’, you say, that chicken video is amaaazing! Yes, but I think I can do better.  I would like to try using DaVinci Resolve 16, a video editing program for Windows that was recommended by Rich.  So coming soon to a blog post near you….



The Halloween Plan….

It is time to get something going with regards to the creation of our Halloween costumes.

My daughter desires to be a fox.  For this we will need….

  • tail – buy
  • ears – buy
  • furry legwarmers – make
  • furry armwarmers – make
  • furry fingerless gloves – make
  • furry shorts – make (might be challenging)
  • orange shirt – have
  • black leggings – have
  • black long sleeve shirt – buy

I am going to dress up like a zebra.  For this I will need….

  • tail – make
  • zebra print jacket with hood and mane (ears?) – make
  • zebra print legwarmers – make
  • zebra print armwarmers – make
  • black leggings – have
  • black dress – have

I managed to find some great costume fabric.

Supplies still needed…..

  • elastic
  • how to videos on making legwarmers and shorts

My son is still undecided   🙁   tick tock little buddy




I have always loved Halloween.  The lead up to October 31st for me includes finding the perfect pumpkin, carving something spooky into it and roasting the seeds.  It includes watching terrifying movies (like 1408 with John Cusack) and of course it involves being inspired to try to make a costume.

One costume that I am particularly proud of….

…the headdress of this costume took forever.

Luckily for me, my kids (and husband) are as into Halloween as I am.  Sooooo, that is why I am going to make our Halloween costumes and document them for my free inquiry project.








Reflections on Open Education

We spent some time talking in class about the open education philosophy.  Open education is the idea that everyone everywhere should have free access to high quality educational resources.   OER’s or Open Education Resources are learning materials that can be revised by anyone because the creators have allowed for this to happen.  OER’s can include lecture videos, podcasts and even lesson plans (to name just a few).  It is important to give credit where credit is due but it is also important to have quality content readily available for free.  Creative Commons is a legal tool for alternative copyright licensing.  Some of the benefits of open learning resources for educators….

  •  promotes collaboration – in fact this is a major theme of the open education philosophy
  • reduces barriers – makes materials accessible to students who might be otherwise unable to access them because of cost or location
  • revisable – teachers can download lesson plans, tailor them to their own specifications and then upload them to be shared anew

(Above information gathered from https://opensource.com/resources/what-open-education)


Open Education Resources that are worth a look….

  • unsplash
  • curriki.org
  • siyavula.com (open textbooks)
  • oercommons.org




Just post something already……

So it is week three and I haven’t managed to post anything for my tech education course. I have spent hours looking at the word press platform, I have typed in a post here and there only to erase it again and turn off my computer.  I feel frozen and incompetent and I can’t understand my own reluctance at just getting on with things.  I’m not a procrastinator and I usually feel pretty confident in my ability to learn what I need to learn and do what I need to do, but in this case, I am stalling out because of…….what?  I’m not sure, I can’t pin point it.  This is my first foray into social media.  I have never had a facebook or a twitter account.  I have never dabbled with snap chat or Instagram or even used a filter on a photograph.  My interests just don’t generally lie with technology or with screens in general and as a result I have absolutely no know how.  BUT, I want to be a teacher and having no idea how to navigate technology  as simple as a blog post is not acceptable.  How can I expect my students to push past their own insecurities and try something new if I’m not able to take the same leap?  I am going to remember how this feels though.  I’m going to remember how this feels so I can be sensitive to students of mine who might be feeling similar feelings of incompetence, who might be too ashamed to ask for help and so might just decide to drop the whole thing. I’m not going to drop the ball on this though, I’m going to give it my best shot and that means I just have to post something already…… so here goes.

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